Agritechnica 2015

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Highlights of Agritechnica, 8th-15th November 2015.

​Agritechnica 2015 took place on the 8th-15th November 2015. With 450,000 visitors attending throughout the week, it matched the success of the 2013 show. There were 2,907 exhibitors this year, showcasing an array of innovative agricultural technology.

This was Kawasaki’s first year exhibiting at Agritechnica and our first opportunity to show visitors how our products can benefit the agriculture and forestry markets. Our experience in the marine, aerospace and construction industries, paired with our extensive research and development  has enabled us to create the most technologically advanced products in the agriculture market. This includes our brand new K3VLS.
The K3VLS, a medium duty pump is more efficient, lighter and boasts quicker response times than previous Kawasaki pumps. It has been developed for machines and equipment that use a load-sensing control system and/or electric displacement control systems.
For more information on the K3VLS and its benefits, click here.
Farmer’s Weekly compiled a great video showing the all highlights from the Agritechnica show.

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